Archive for the ‘love’ Category

3 Years and Counting…


15 January 2009.

Three (3) years of marriage.

I’d like to say it has been blissful.

But that would be a lie.

As with all marriages, we have had our share of disagreements (who’s idea is better), arguments (who’s right), and catfights (Of course, I am!).  Sometimes I win (“Babe, where are my golf clubs?”), sometimes he wins (“Okay, you can have the red room as well”), other times there are just no winners (“I just had to walk it off.”  “I followed you.”)

There are days we understood each other…perfectly.  Acting in unison, melding into one.  Some days we just don’t see eye to eye.  (“Just WHO are YOU?!)

There are days we can’t have enough of each other; there are also days we can’t stand each other. (“Space” is not only a design concept; it is a human right!) 

My husband is not the same person I have met before. 

He no longer opens the car door for me (“kaya mo naman yan”), but he massages my legs at night and my back in the morning.  He no longer surprises me with flowers (Sayang lang) and gifts (Mahal) given in grand production (Arte), but he gave me a 20 gram white gold bracelet (that carries Nina’s initial) for Christmas.   He no longer kisses me with the same passion as when we were merely a couple, but I felt him tuck me in and kiss me goodnight in my sleep last night.

A friend once told me that there are things about one’s husband that one may not be able to agree with.  She failed to add that there are things about one’s husband that one will be able to love. 

Along with the booming voice and the sometimes abrasive tones are the sweet candid statements of hopes and dreams, the honest and vulnerable utterances of fears and apprehensions for the family’s future.  Along with the sometimes torturous fights are the sweet, heartbreaking, and oftentimes wacky, reconciliations.   Along with the cluttered guitars and the golfclubs on the hallway is the need and willingness to share one’s love and passion, to de-stress, to entertain, in front of the family, “with” the family.

Marriage is truly not what I envisioned it to be.

It has not been rosy, it has not been blissful at all.

But it has always been happy. 🙂


It’s a Rosey Rosey Pink World!

Text message:  “Sweet Ilonggo Guy has finally won the lotto!  Good luck to us both!  🙂

For a moment I wanted to ask how much millions, until comprehension finally dawned. 

“Hahaha!  How did it happen gurl?  Kelan mo pa siya sinagot? Tell me the details!”

I pulled over as Sweet Ilonggo Girl poured out her heart, how she has fallen (unexpectedly) for our dearest friend.  This after all is an emergency! A happy emergency which requires my full attention!

I laughed, I cried as she recounted how he, our groomsman, has swept off her, our bridesmaid, feet. 

Over several “Aww…how sweet”, I marvelled at how remarkable life is.  Except for the obligatory walk in the isle, they hardly noticed each other during our wedding.  A chance meeting at the hospital, with them both welcoming Nina into the world, made their paths collide once more.  Mr. P was acting the matchmaker for his “Bro” while I was clucking like a protective mother hen over “My Gurl”. 

Three months later, this –



It’s a rosey, rosey pink world indeed! 

Mr. P and I are still at loggerheads over whom credit should go.  But suffice to say, we are extremely elated over this development.  Our dearest friend has won our bestest gurlfriend!  And we feel like WE have won the lottery!  🙂