Mrs. P’s Gourmet Catering

 Mrs. P’s

“putting new twists to old time favorites”




Lasagna                                                                                                                       P 900

The House Specialty!  All-beef lasagna smothered in Mrs. P’s special cream sauce. 

An absolute must!


Mrs. P’s Spaghetti                                                                                                     P 800

Mrs. P’s take on the classic spaghetti,with whole tomatoes stewed to perfection.


Baked Spareribs                                                                                                         P 500

            Another house specialty!  Three-inch long country-style spareribs baked in Mrs. P’s sweet ginger sauce.




Grilled Porkchops                                                                                                      P 500

            A total tummy buster! Half-inch porkchops grilled and served with lemon.


Onion Chicken                                                                                                           P 500


            Crunchy chicken in tangy onion sauce. Tell us if you want it hot and spicy!






Chicken Pastel with Crust                                                                                         P 1100

            Old-fashioned chicken pastel with a twist!


Creamed Chicken                                                                                                       P 500

            Creamy chicken with green peas, carrots and quail eggs.


Mrs. P’s Chicken Cordon Bleu                                                                                   P 1000

            Your old-time favorite in a bed of shrimp-infused cream sauce.


Beef with Mushroom                                                                                                P 1000

            Mushroom sauce poured over sliced “beef kalitiran”.


Papa’s Mechado                                                                                                        P 1000

            Papa’s favorite!  Beef rounds in Mrs. P’s tomato pickle sauce.






All servings are good for 10-12 people.  Call us for a personalized menu.

4341554/ 09178866187

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