Archive for the ‘Parent category’ Category

Hey, it’s a Girl for Mr. & Mrs. P!

And so, it is on this wonderful afternoon that my baby finally made known its gender!

She crunched and she tumbled, seemingly intent to prolong our agony, until there it finally was!  Yep, there’s no denying it alright, she’s a girl through and through!

Mr. P was especially elated by the news as he had always wanted a girl.  It completes the triumvirate of mommy, daddy and kuya ricky.

Baby girl’s fat stores has accumulated and her form is now more visible than ever. I particularly liked seeing her spine as she lay on her stomach, her legs and arms crunched towards her chest. She was lying there so contentendly, oblivious to the oohs and aahs of mom & dad.

Her head is now more in proportion to her body. Her plump cheeks the most prominent of all! She opened her mouth as if to yawn or eat something.  She was so exquisite!

Doctor said she seem to have gotten her nose from me.  Oh no, not my perky button nose!  I so much wanted her to get her papa’s nose, complete with the bridge!  I wonder if its not yet too late to alter that – focus, mommy, focus! =-)